The Christos Initiations are a series of 11 powerful, life-changing energetic initiations exclusive to Elemental Reiki. Special healing energies are provided with these initiations. These initiations are not for everyone. You will know if they are right for you as you will be "called" to receive them. Spirit directed that each cost $100 so that those who are truly serious will participate and honor the energy. (However, offering a discount for the entire package is also OK by spirit!) By ordering the pre-pay package, you will receive $600 off of what you'd pay separately for the 11 initiations.

These are the levels:
Christos Initiation 1 - The Mark of Light
Christos Initiation 2 - Subconscious Matrix Reprogramming
Christos Initiation 3 - Alignment to Service
Christos Initiation 4 - Opening to Love
Christos Initiation 5 - Deep Fear Release
Christos Initiation 6 - Lift Off
Christos Initiation 7 - Equilibrium
Christos Initiation 8 - Purification
Christos Initiation 9 - Humility
Christos Initiation 10 - Blessed are the Peacemakers
Christos Initiation 11 - Communion

Note: These initiations are not regular Reiki attunements that can be passed down to other students. These initiations are for your own personal growth and spiritual evolution only.