Deep Healing Reiki

Deep Healing Reiki is a Reiki system that works on the hidden deep wounds that most of us have, hidden and buried within the psyche and energetic system. These wounds may be from present lives, past lives, or even ancestral ties. Deep Healing Reiki works to gently clear and release these old wounds, and does so with a minimum amount of trauma or "clearing symptoms." Because it is so gentle, immediate changes may not be readily apparent, but the lasting changes are profound. This is a powerful tool for use with clients or on oneself for personal healing and growth.

Light of Truth Reiki

Light of Truth Reiki is a new energy that will help you and your clients become guided by personal truth instead of fear. This is an extremely powerful energy that has the potential to transform your life.

The benefits of Light of Truth Reiki are as follows:

1. Improved personal clarity; less confusion.
2. Better peace of mind.
3. More trust in the self and the universe.
4. Heightened intuition.
5. A more balanced perspective on life.

This system can be activated by intent or through a simple symbol that is a visual representation of the Light of Truth.
