Chakra Healing Attunement 7 - Seventh Chakra

The Chakra Healing Attunements work to cleanse and heal the chakras from old issues and negative energies that are being held there. A healing attunement is like a super-charged healing session and is an extremely powerful way to make changes in your life quickly. This attunement is for the first chakra.

Seventh Chakra: Crown (top of head)
This chakra is our connection to the divine. This attunement helps with: connection to spirit guides and angels, connection with God, life purpose, universal love, Christ consciousness.

Chakra Healing Attunement 5 - Fifth Chakra

The Chakra Healing Attunements work to cleanse and heal the chakras from old issues and negative energies that are being held there. A healing attunement is like a super-charged healing session and is an extremely powerful way to make changes in your life quickly. This attunement is for the first chakra.

Fifth Chakra: Throat (throat area)
Our “voice,” both literally and figuratively. This attunement helps with: creativity, writing, singing, the arts, speaking up for oneself, receiving and channeling divine information, ear, nose and throat.

Chakra Healing Attunement 4 - Fourth Chakra

The Chakra Healing Attunements work to cleanse and heal the chakras from old issues and negative energies that are being held there. A healing attunement is like a super-charged healing session and is an extremely powerful way to make changes in your life quickly. This attunement is for the first chakra.

Fourth Chakra: Heart (center of chest)
Ability to give and receive love. This attunement helps with: healing heart wounds, opening up to new love, attracting a soul mate, being unconditionally loving.

Chakra Healing Attunement 3 - Third Chakra

The Chakra Healing Attunements work to cleanse and heal the chakras from old issues and negative energies that are being held there. A healing attunement is like a super-charged healing session and is an extremely powerful way to make changes in your life quickly. This attunement is for the first chakra.

Third Chakra: Solar Plexus (upper abdomen)
Personal power, boundaries, protection. This attunement helps with: fear, emotional blockages, setting boundaries with people, learning how to say no, feeling confident about yourself in the world.

Chakra Healing Attunement 1 - First Chakra

The Chakra Healing Attunements work to cleanse and heal the chakras from old issues and negative energies that are being held there. A healing attunement is like a super-charged healing session and is an extremely powerful way to make changes in your life quickly. This attunement is for the first chakra.

First Chakra: Root (base of spine)
Basic physical survival, money, career, home, foundation, grounding. This attunement helps with: money issues, physical health, focus and concentration, depression, career issues.
