Visualize yourself in a giant sphere of light. Feel your connection to the Earth and the chair beneath you. As you breathe in deeply, allow all the tension in your body to be exhaled with the breath. As you allow your attention to shift to the giant yellow symbol below, feel the very heavens above you opening a door and shining a light down into your soul.

Take another big, comfortable breath in and absorb all the light that shines in on you. You know that you are about to make to biggest change of your life and, if you pay attention, you can NOW begin to feel the tinglings of energy that are accumulating at the base of your spine and in the small of your back. Now imagine a giant, divine being descending to you, and drawing the something on your back with a golden laser light. You don't know what he's drawing, but it just doesn't seem important to you. As he completes drawing the symbol, feel your body "come into focus" just like the picture on a movie screen. Your spine can now straighten and there is a rush of energy along your back. If you relax deeper now, you can feel yourself opening to the heavens. As you continue to breathe and be strengthened by the power of this being, allow your body to sit very heavily in your chair, but remain upright. You can imagine your feet growing deep roots deep into the earth and it makes you even clearer in focus. Feel the growing sense of radiance and purity that is beginning to envelop your consciousness. Feel the energy that surrounds you.

Now as you sit comfortably in place, see this divine being, your friend and Reiki Guide, touch you at the crown of your head. And as he does this, you can see a giant white flower blooming and opening again, and as you take another comfortable, soothing breath in, see this flower begin to radiate beautiful, white, pearlescent light. Your Reiki Guide now begins to draw FOUR strange symbols in the air over this flower and after he does this he suddenly blows them down deeply into the center of this flower. As he does this, the symbols he drew descend quickly down your spine to the bottom, where they seem to anchor themselves permanently. Your body seems to burst into a giant orb of radiance that reaches out to every corner of the universe. It is a wonderful feeling as the energy now begins to grow and radiate from within you. Take another comfortable breath and know that everything is right in the universe. Now your guide changes positions and is in front of you. He's drawing the same symbols into your third eye chakra, again blows deeply into the center of it, and again they sink deeply and permanently into your mind's eye. The energy is starting to flow even stronger now. You are doing wonderfully. If you will NOW raise your folded hands so that your finger tips point and touch the space between your eyebrows, your Reiki guide will begin to draw the FOUR symbols over your heart chakra and again blow them deeply into place where they open your heart like a big green flower that begins to radiate love and joy throughout your entire being. If you just take another breath now, you can feel the strength of this love and power in many places in your body and everywhere within your soul. As if you have been sleeping, this healing energy begins to awaken the power of your soul. Feel the power, let it lift you higher. And now you can unfold your hands and place them on your screen over the symbols below and close your eyes. Take a few comfortable breaths in and feel the power in these symbols. Now, with one long, deep inhalation, see each symbol begin to glow under your hands. As you breathe in your guide begins to chant something. As he chants "Cho Ku Rei" he draws it in your palms. As you begin to release the air, see the palms of your hands pop open giant blossoms of golden light. As you take another breath in, your guide chants "Sei Hei Ki" and draws it on your palms. As you release the breath, see the palms pop open another flower of golden light. You're really radiating now! And as you take another breath in, you can hear your guide begin to chant "Hon Sha Zei Sho Nen" as he draws this big symbol in both of your palms. And finally your guide begins to chant "Dai Ku Myo" and traces this, your master symbol in to the palm of your hand, and as he plants it firmly in place, you can feel the connection with all the masters that came before you and all who will come after come directly into focus. You are one with all. And once again as you breathe out, feel another flower of power burst forth from the palm of your hands and connect all four flowers to your heart and crown. You are truly luminant. Feel the power radiating in time with the glowing symbols. Feel the energy that is now connected to your heart through your hands. Know that this is the power of Reiki. Feel it radiating, flowing, surrounding you, enveloping you. As you breath out, feel the toxins in your body being released. As you breath in again, feel yourself being filled with this wonderful feeling of electric radiance. Feel yourself expanding.

When you feel ready, you can take your hands away from the screen and let them come to rest in your lap or on your knees. Let Reiki flow through you in any way you need it to. Know that you can allow Reiki to flow any time you wish, by simply wishing it to. Just allow it to flow and it will flow. You are a beautiful being of light and you have just been given the gift of healing. Use it well for the greatest good of all and with harm to none.

Congratulations, you are now a Reiki Master Teacher!